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  • ULTRA Magazine Issue 20

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    ULTRA is the longest-running printed magazine in Europe dedicated to the sport of ultrarunning. Established in 2015, it has served the UK’s ultra community ever since.

    Issue 20 is again packed with stories of adventure, freedom, endurance and community. Tales of ordinary people doing extraordinary things, accompanied by beautiful imagery. Stories like Pernilla Otto’s 314-mile trek across Tennessee in the Last Annual Vol State race, Chris Green running all over the world to help save the rhino, and Sam Glasgow’s first ultra at just 16 years of age. There are gear tips again from the wonderful Mike Parsons, founder of OMM and creator of the legendary Kamleika waterproof jacket, James Adams talks about being an ultrarunner while getting into the dating scene, and Jen Benson explores the balance between women and men in long ultras. It might be just the inspiration you need to get out there and run.

    For more inspiration we have Emma Harrison running the Scottish Fisherfield Round and advising on European holiday destinations where it would be rude not to run, James Adams writes about trying to get back into ultrarunning after raising a family, Tim Laney muses about getting older but perhaps not wiser, American author Charles Moore considers what it takes to step up from marathons to ultras, we find out what’s in James Elson’s pack, Steve Nuttall writes about the Imber Ultra, David Bentham runs round in circles, Hugo Day tells us what it’s like to be the only competitor in a 100+ mile race, and Dr Gavin Spickett reflects on the Kielder Ultra and what the future holds for smaller events. All in all, a must-have for ultrarunners everywhere.

    Created, printed and bound in the UK. We think it’s the best ultrarunning magazine in the world. Why not find out for yourself?